We’re COVID-19 prepared

We take the health of our clients and our therapists seriously.


COVID Screener

In Nova Scotia all clients are required to fill out the COVID health form 24 hours before their treatment. All therapists are required to take their temperature daily and get tested weekly. We believe that prevention will be our best defence.


Masking Protocols

Therapists are mandated to wear a surgical mask before, during and after each treatment. Each therapist has also been educated on how to properly wear and dispose of their mask and PPE.

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Hand Washing

Before and after each treatment, RMTs will wash their hands, arms and elbows thoroughly with soap and water. We also will provide each therapist with their own Health Canada approved alcohol sanitizer.



All tables and chairs are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before and after clients with Health Canada approved products and linens are safely disposed of for deep cleaning.

What you can do for us



Do not book a session if you have any of the following:

  • Have been exposed to someone with COVID.

  • Are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19.

  • Have been travelling outside of Nova Scotia in the past 14 days.

  • Have been at one of the listed exposure sites.

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Hand Washing

Please wash and sanitize your hands before each treatment. Also, provide and sink and soap for your therapist to wash their hands.

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Health Forms

Please fill out the COVID screener 3 hours before your massage treatment. If you are a new client, please be sure to fill out your health form and consent before the treatment.



Please wear a clean disposable mask before, during and after each treatment. Please keep others 6 feet away from the therapist and massage table throughout the session.