
Laura Cormier Laura Cormier

What should I know before getting a massage?

Here are a few things to know before you get a massage.

Be sure to communicate with your massage therapist about any medical conditions you have, as well as any medications you are taking. This will help the therapist determine if there are any contraindications to massage, or if they need to adjust their technique in any way.

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C E Cormier C E Cormier

Table vs. Chair Massage: Which is Best?

Did you know there was a difference in how you receive a massage?

Well, most people think that you need to be semi-clothed and lying down on a table slathered in essential oils.

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C E Cormier C E Cormier

Benefits of Workplace Massage

To have a massage or not to have a massage, that is the question.

Massage therapy has proven that we can change physically, mentally and emotionally, just with the power of touch.

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